In March of 2018, I was humbled learn I'd been chosen as a 2018 Fulbright Fellow to India to work in south-eastern India for 9 months (see map below) on a wearable diabetic device. By working with doctors and engineers of CMC Vellore Hospital, I will be developing a biomedical solution to help patients and doctors understand and manage diabetic foot ulcers. During the project, I hope to embrace challenges of low-resource engineering while prioritizing it as a clinically and culturally applicable device.
As I try to digest what content I should be sharing, I decided to put myself in your shoes to understand why you're intrigued and here reading these words that I'm writing. I hope one of these reasons resonates with you:
The Culturalist: you're intrigued by the sights and sounds, colors and textures of Indian culture.
You're interested by the thought of living here and may have even considered visiting (or maybe you have visited!) For you, I'll be including whatever snapshots I can muster through words or pictures on my "Culture and Travel" page by including plenty of updates on places I'm visiting, cultures I'm encountering, food I'm tasting, and thoughts I'm pondering about it all. Check out my "Culture and Travel" tab for my culture-based blog, with an update every Monday after each (hopefully) adventuresome weekend!
The Academic: you're interested in why the US government wants me researching in India in the first place! You're interested in hearing about project updates, connections I make, my technical experiences as a Fulbright Scholar and how it all fits within the country of India. For you, I'll be posting project updates under my "Fulbright Project" tab weekly (I'm thinking Fridays after a solid work week) and appeasing your interest in the technical aspect of what I'm working on through my project.
The Dabblist: First, you'd just like to know that I'm still alive, perhaps dabbling interests in both cultural and project updates from the front lines of my experience. For you, I've got the thing I’m most looking forward to - a captioned picture-a-day series via my first Instagram (still figuring out how it works). This could be anything from a picture of my hole-in-the-wall grocery store, to my current project prototype; a typical Indian hospital room, to sick shot of me catching a Frisbee mid lay-out (I can dream). If you're interested in staying tuned to those picture updates, subscribe, friend request me, or do whatever you do on Instagram to follow along on my adventures with a picture-a-day update! I've also got my photo galleries linked here through the "Gallery" tab, so click through there for a comprehensive look at my photos!

In May of 2018, I graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in Biomedical engineering with an emphasis in electrical instrumentation. In particular, I have interest in designing the embedded systems of medical devices to meet the needs of clinicians and patients alike. In particular, low-resource engineering has always been a passion for me and I look forward to getting to bring these interests together in the work I will do through Fulbright in India!

Drop me a line for more information about my background, my blog, or just to say hello. I’d love to hear from you.
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
(more specifics to come)
whatsapp 6086582301